Check Border Knit Pillow

by Bernat |

Item # 262225213P1
Intermediate Varies


  • Bernat Forever Fleece
  • White Noise (61004) or Juniper (61007) 3 balls
  • Size U.S. 11 (8 mm) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.
  • 2 split ring stitch markers.
  • 20" square pillow form.
  • Yarn needle

  • MEASUREMENT: Approx 20" square.

  • GAUGE: 11 sts and 14 rows = 4" in stocking st.


Cast on 56 stitches (sts).
**1st row: [Right side (RS)]. Knit 1 (K1). *K2. Purl 2 (P2). Repeat (Rep) from * to last 3 sts. K3.
2nd row: K1. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. P2. K1.
3rd row: K1. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. P2. K1.
4th row: K1. *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K3.
These 4 rows form Box St Pattern (Pat).
Work a further 10 rows in Box St Pat.**
1st row: (RS). K1. (P2. K2) 3 times. P2. Place marker on needle. K26. Place marker on needle. (P2. K2) 3 times. P2. K1.
2nd row: K1. (K2. P2) 3 times. K2. Slip marker. P26. Slip marker. (K2. P2) 3 times. K3.
3rd row: K1. (K2. P2) 3 times. K2. Place marker on needle. K26. Place marker on needle. (K2. P2) 3 times. K3.
4th row: K1. (P2. K2) 3 times. P2. Slip marker. P26. Slip marker. (P2. K2) 3 times. P2. K1.
Rep these 4 rows 9 times more, then rep 1st and 2nd rows once.
Work from ** to **. (70 rows total).
Cast off knitwise (RS).

BACK (make 2 pieces alike)
Cast on 56 sts.
**1st row: (RS). K1. *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K3.
2nd row: K1. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. P2. K1.
3rd row: K1. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. P2. K1.
4th row: K1. *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K3.
These 4 rows form Box St Pat.
Continue (Cont) in Box St Pat until Back measures approx. 13", ending on a 2nd or 4th row of pat.
Cast off in pat.

Overlap Back pieces to match Front, with cast off sections in center to create opening to insert pillow form. Sew outer edge seams. Insert pillow form.

Approx = Approximately
Beg = Beginning
Cont = Continue(ity)
K = Knit
P = Purl
Pat = Pattern
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
St(s) = Stitch(es)
WS = Wrong side

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