Diamond Quilt

by JOANN |

Item # 212111555P65
Advanced Weekend Project


  • 1/4 to 1/3 yd each of 12 to 14 cotton quilt fabrics in light and dark coordinating colors and prints - squares
  • 1/2 yd Cotton quilt fabric - binding
  • 2-2/3 yd Cotton quilt fabric - backing
  • Batting - crib size
  • Invisible thread
  • Curved quilter's safety pins
  • Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
  • Basic sewing supplies
  • Sewing machine with 1/4" foot and walking foot
  • Iron and pressing surface

  • Approximate quilt size: 44"x55"


  1. 1/4" seam allowance is used throughout.
  2. The quilt top is made by sewing three WOF strips together lengthwise then cutting the sewn strip into eight right angle triangles and sewing four matching triangles together to form a square. The steps are as follows.
  3. Cut three different fabrics into strips, two of the fabric strips are 1-3/4" by WOF and one is 2"xWOF. Sew the strips together lengthwise with the wider strip between the other two strips. Press the seams open. Note: Usually seams in quilts are pressed to one side or the other but it is easier to match up the seams in this quilt by pressing seams open.
  4. Place the sewn strip on the cutting mat and use the 45 degree line on the ruler to cut from one long edge to the other side starting at one end of the sewn strip. Turn the ruler and line up the 45 degree line the opposite direction on the sewn strip to form a triangle with a 90 degree angle. Cut out the triangle. Turn the ruler back to the first angle and cut another 90 degree triangle. Continue along the length of the sewn strip cutting out two sets of four triangles. One set will have a print on the long side of the triangle and the other set will have that same print at the point. Save the end scraps. Refer to illustration A.
  5. Sew one matching set of four into a square, first sewing the triangles in pairs then the pairs together to form the square. Press after each seam. Refer to illustration B. Repeat with the other set of four. Thirty-two squares make up the body of the quilt, two were just made. Make fifteen more sets of three strips which will form the 30 additional squares. Mix up the cut strips for each sewn strip so no two squares are the same.
  6. The sides of the quilt require fourteen half squares. To make the half squares make four more sewn strips, cut out the triangles and sew together making only half a square.
  7. The corners of the quilt use a single triangle. From the scraps leftover cutting out the triangles there may be enough fabric to cut the extra triangles. If not, piece together one more set of strips and cut four triangles.
  8. Illustration C shows the arrangement of the squares, half squares and triangle. To sew them together start on one side and sew the squares and half squares together following the direction of the arrows. It is at this point that the seam allowances of the rows should be pressed to one side or the other. So the seams fit nicely together press the seam allowances on the first row to the right, the second row to the left, the third row to the right and continue in that pattern.
  9. Sew the rows together and since the seam allowances were pressed in opposite directions the seams will neatly fall into place. Press the seams open on the long rows to avoid too much bulk in the seams.
  10. Trim the quilt edge then sandwich the backing face down, batting on top and quilt facing up on top. Pin baste the layers together.
  11. With the walking foot on and invisible thread in the needle quilt as desired. Trim the edges of the quilt if needed.
  12. Cut the binding fabric into 2-1/2" strips, sew together end to end forming one long strip for binding. Fold the strip in half lengthwise right side out and press. Sew the binding around the quilt.

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