Stenciled Tote Bag with Tassel

by JOANN |

Item # 0922188784P125
Beginner 3-5 Hours


  • Canvas tote bag
  • Acrylic paint
  • Stencils
  • Textile medium
  • Paintbrush
  • Wooden bead
  • Yarn
  • Scissors


  1. Using stencil, center the word in the middle of the canvas tote bag.
  2. Tape down stencil.
  3. Stencil letters carefully to prevent paint bleeding.
  4. Paint stars using the stencil.
  5. To create tassel, cut multiple pieces of yarn approximately 8" long and fold in half to create a tassel.
  6. Loop a few strands of yarn to attach tassel to the bag.
  7. Thread the strand through a wooden bead.
  8. Tie a piece of yarn around the tassel 1/2". from the folded end of the loop.
  9. Attach tassel to the bag.

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