The Cottony One Patchwork Pillow

by Lion Brand |

Item # 052511022P41
Intermediate Varies


  • Lion Brand® The Cottony One Yarn:
    • #130 Olive Twist: 1 ball (A)
    • #098 Lychee White: 1 ball (B)
    • #105 Over the Moon: 1 ball (C)
    • #114 Red Red Wine: 1 ball (D)
    • #158 Gold Medal: 1 ball (E)
  • Lion Brand® Stitch Markers
  • Lion Brand® Large-Eyed Blunt Needle
  • Knitting Needles: Size 7
  • Double-Pointed Knitting Needles: Size 7 (for plaid block)
  • Crochet Hook: Size E-4 (for surface stitch lines on plaid block)
  • 16"x 24" Pillow Form or Fiberfill Stuffing

  • SIZE: About 16"x 24"

  • GAUGE:
    • 17 sts + 27 rows = about 4 in. (10 cm) over Garter st (k every st of every row).
    • 17 sts + 24 rows = about 4 in. (10 cm) over St st (k on RS, p on WS).
    • Be sure to check your gauge.


To print the templates, click on the "GET PATTERNS" tab.

beg = begin(ing)
k = knit
p = purl
p2tog = purl 2 stitches together
rep = repeat
Rev St st = Reverse Stockinette stitch
RS = right side
st(s) = stitch(es)
St st = Stockinette stitch
WS = wrong side

Front of Pillow consists of 8 blocks worked in different yarn colors and pattern stitches.
A Center Strip is worked first, changing yarn color to form a checkerboard pattern.
Three blocks are worked and sewn along one long edge of Center Strip: Heart Block, Plaid Block, and Cable Block. Four Blocks are worked and sewn along second long edge of Center Strip: St St Block, Garter Checkerboard Block, Seed St Block, and Fan Block.
Refer to Diagram for placement of blocks and direction of work.
Sts are picked up along one side edge of Front to beg Back.
Back is worked in Garter st (k every st of every row), changing yarn color to make stripes.

3/3 LC (3 over 3 left cross) Slip 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k3, then k3 from cable needle.
M1 (make 1) An increase worked by lifting the horizontal strand lying between needles and placing it onto the left needle.
Knit this new stitch through the back loop - 1 st increased.
yo (yarn over)
An increase that also creates a small decorative hole (eyelet) in the fabric, worked as follows:
1. Bring yarn to front, between the needles.
2. Take yarn to back, over the right needle. This creates the new st. You are now ready to proceed with the next st as instructed.

Center Strip:
With B, cast on 22 sts.
With B, purl 1 row.
Row 1 (RS): With B, k11; with A, k11.
Row 2: With A, k11; with B, k11.
Rows 3-16: Rep Rows 1 and 2 for 7 more times.
Row 17: With A, k11; with B, k11.
Row 18: With B, k11; with A, k11.
Rows 19-32: Rep Rows 17 and 18 for 7 more times.
Rows 33-160: Rep Rows 1-32 for 4 more times.
With A, bind off first 11 sts; with B, bind off last 11 sts.

Place markers for placement of blocks along one long edge of center strip.
Place center strip on a flat surface with one long edge at top.

Place 2 markers along top long edge as follows:
Beg at top left corner, place a marker at center of edge of 3rd checkerboard square.
Skip remaining half of 3rd checkerboard square and next 2 checkerboard squares.
Place 2nd marker on edge between 5th and 6th checkerboard squares.
Heart Block will be worked between first marker and top left corner.
Plaid Block will be worked and sewn between first and second marker.
Cable Block will be worked and sewn between second marker and top right corner.

Heart Block:
From RS with D, working along top edge of Center Strip between first marker and top left corner, pick up and k26 sts evenly spaced along edge.
Beg with a WS (purl) row, work in St st (k on RS, p on WS) for 5 rows.

Charted Heart Pattern:
Heart pattern is worked in intarsia, following Heart Chart.
Do not carry yarn across WS of work between color changes, use a separate ball of yarn for each section of color.
When changing color, twist yarns on WS to prevent holes.
Wind yarns into small separate balls before beginning.

Row 1 (RS): With D, k5, place marker (pm), knit AND change yarn color following Row 1 of Heart Chart over next 16 sts, pm; with D, k5.
Rows 2-21: With D, work in St st to first marker, slip marker (sm), work in St st AND change yarn color following next row of Heart Chart to next marker, sm; with D, work in St st to end of row.
With D, work in St st for 9 rows.
Bind off.

Plaid Block:
Two double-pointed needles are used to knit plaid block. Using double pointed needles allows you to slide the sts to the other end of the needle so that you can work two RS rows or two WS rows, one after the other, and won't always need to cut the old color when changing yarn color.
This will leave fewer yarn tails to weave in later.
Plaid block is worked in St st and rev St st, changing yarn color to form stripes. 5 sts of each row are worked in Rev St st (p on RS, k on WS) to form columns of purl sts on RS of Block.
Surface slip stitch lines are crocheted over the purl columns to form lines at right angles to the stripes.

Row 1 (RS): From RS, working with 2 double-pointed needles and E, pick up and k27 sts evenly spaced along right edge of Heart Block.
Row 2: With E, (p5, k1) twice, (p1, k1) twice, p5, k1, p5.
Row 3: With E, (k5, p1) twice, (k1, p1) twice, k5, p1, k5.
Row 4: With E, (p5, k1) twice, (p1, k1) twice, p5, k1, p5.
Rows 5 and 6: Rep Rows 3 and 4.
Drop but do not cut E.
Row 7 (RS): With B, rep Row 3. Cut B.
Do not turn work. Slide sts to opposite end of double pointed needle, so that you are ready to work another RS row.
Rows 8-15: With E, rep Rows 3 and 4 for 4 times.
Drop but do not cut E.
Row 16 (RS): With A, rep Row 3. Drop but do not cut A.
Do not turn work. Slide sts to opposite end of double pointed needle, so that you are ready to work another RS row.
Rows 17 and 18: With E, rep Row 3 and 4. Drop but do not cut E.
Do not turn work. Slide sts to opposite end of double pointed needle, so that you are ready to work another WS row.
Row 19 (WS): With A, rep Row 4. Drop but do not cut A.
Rows 20 and 21: With E, rep Rows 3 and 4. Drop but do not cut E.
Row 22 (RS): With A, rep Row 3. Cut A.
Do not turn work. slide sts to opposite end of double pointed needle, so that you are ready to work another RS row.
Rows 23-30: With E, rep Row 3 and 4 for 4 times. Drop but do not cut E.
Row 31 (RS): With B, rep Row 3. Cut B.
Do not turn work. slide sts to opposite end of double pointed needle, so that you are ready to work another RS row.
Rows 32-37: With E, rep Row 3 and 4 for 3 times.
Change to C.
Cut E, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Cable Block:
Row 1 (RS): With C, k13, M1, k14 - 28 sts.
Row 2: K11, p6, k11.
Row 3: P11, k6, p11.
Row 4: K11, p6, k11.
Row 5: P11, 3/3 LC, p11.
Rows 6-11: Rep Rows 2 and 3 for 3 times.
Row 12: Rep Row 2.
Rows 13-68: Rep Rows 5-12 for 7 more times.
Row 69: Rep Row 5.
Rows 70-72: Rep Rows 2-4.
Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Surface Slip Stitch Vertical Lines for Plaid Block:
With B, work surface slip stitch lines over the first and last purl column.
With A, work surface slip stitch lines over the 3 center purl columns.

Here's how to work a surface slip stitch line:
Make a slip knot, but do not place it on hook.
Insert hook from RS to WS through first st of purl column.
Place slip knot on hook and draw loop to RS (keep beg tail and working yarn on WS).
Insert hook from RS to WS through next st of purl column, yarn over, draw loop through fabric and through loop on hook (surface sl st made); rep from * all the way along purl column.
Remove hook from loop and take hook to WS. Insert hook from WS to RS, place loop on hook, draw loop through to WS. Cut yarn. Draw tail through final loop and pull tight.

Using yarn tails still attached to blocks, sew side edge of plaid block between first and 2nd markers and sew side edge of cable block between 2nd marker and top right corner of center strip.
Remove markers as you sew.

Place markers for placement of blocks along second long edge of center strip.
Place center strip on a flat surface with unworked long edge at top.
Place 3 markers along top long edge as follows:
Beg at top left corner, place a marker at center of edge of 2nd checkerboard square.
Skip remaining half of 2nd checkerboard square and next 2 checkerboard squares. Place 2nd marker on edge between 4th and 5th checkerboard squares.
Skip next 2 checkerboard squares and half of next square. Place 3rd marker at center of edge of 7th checkerboard square.

Stockinette block will be worked between first marker and top left corner.
Garter checkerboard block will be worked and sewn between first and 2nd markers.
Seed St block will be worked between top right corner and 3rd marker.
Fan block will be worked separately and sewn into space between 2nd and 3rd markers.

Stockinette Block:
From RS with B, working along long edge of center strip between first marker and top left corner, pick up and k19 sts evenly spaced along edge.

Beg with a WS (purl) row, work in St st for 30 rows.
Bind off.

Garter Checkerboard Block:
From RS with D, pick up and k25 sts evenly spaced along right side edge of St St Block.
Purl 1 row.
Row 1: (K5, p5) twice, k5.
Row 2: Purl.
Rows 3-6: Rep Rows 1 and 2 twice.
Row 7 (RS): (K5, p5) twice, k5.
Row 8 (WS): (K5, p5) twice, k5.
Row 9: Knit.
Rows 10-13: Rep Rows 8 and 9 twice.
Row 14: (K5, p5) twice, k5.
Rows 15-28: Work as Rows 1-14.
Rows 29-35: work as Rows 1-7
Row 36: Purl.
Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Using yarn tail still attached to block, sew side edge of garter checkerboard Block between first and 2nd markers along edge of center strip.

Seed St Block:
Row 1 (RS): From RS with E, working along long edge of Center Strip between top right corner and 3rd marker, pick up and k36 sts evenly spaced along edge.
Row 2: * K1, p1; rep from * across.
Row 3: * P1, k1; rep from * across.
Row 4: * K1, p1; rep from * across.
Rows 5-32: Rep Rows 3 and 4 for 14 more times.
Bind off.

Fan Block:
With A, leaving a long tail for sewing, cast on 24 sts.
With A, knit 1 row.

Row 1 (RS): With A, knit.
Row 2: With A, purl.
Row 3: With A, k1, * (p2tog) twice, (yo, k1) 3 times, yo, (p2tog) twice; rep from * once more, k1.
Row 4: With A, purl.
Drop but do not cut A. Carry A carefully up side edge of piece.
Rows 5-8: With C, rep Rows 1-4.
Drop but do not cut C. Carry C carefully up side edge of piece.
Rep Rows 1-8 for 3 more times.
Cut A.
Last 2 rows: With C, knit.
Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Sew bind-off edge of fan block to side edge of seed st block.
Sew long edge of fan block between 2nd and 3rd markers along edge of center strip.
Sew cast-on edge of fan block to bind-off edge of garter checkerboard block.
Remove markers.

Row 1 (RS): From RS with E, pick up and k70 sts evenly spaced along edge of Front - 70 sts.
With E, work in Garter st (k every st of every row) for 31 rows. Cut E.
With A, work in Garter st for 32 rows. Cut A.
With B, work in Garter st for 32 rows. Cut B.
With D, work in Garter st for 32 rows. Cut D.
With C, work in Garter st for 32 rows. Cut C.
Bind off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Fold piece in half and sew 2 edges of Front and Back together.
Insert pillow form or stuffing, then sew remaining edge closed.
Weave in ends.

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