Frayed Stripe Pillows

by JOANN |

Item # 312361226P708
Beginner Varies


  • 1 yd Plaid Cotton Canvas
  • 1/2 yd Chenille for Contrast Stripes
  • 20" Pillow Forms
  • Basic Sewing Supplies


NOTE: Sew 1/2" seam allowance.
  1. Cut one square, 21" x 21", of canvas for two pillow fronts.
  2. Cut two rectangles, 14" x 21", of canvas for back panels.
  3. Cut 4 strips, 3" x 21", on the grain of the chenille fabric.
  4. The chenille will be the stripes to sew between the plaid patterns.
  5. Pull the threads from the chenille strips 1/2" on both long sides of strips to form fringe.
  6. Pin the strips on the front of the green plaid between the plaid patterns.
  7. Stitch in place.
  8. Sew a hem along the long side of both back. Fold under 1/2" and press. Fold again and stitch in place.
  9. With right sides together, pin the back panels to front, overlapping the back to fit front.
  10. Sew 1/2" seam around.
  11. Turn, press, and insert pillow form.

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